
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Rp 149.000,00
Unit PV : 9,00
Unit BV : 59.000,00
Retail Price : Rp 149.000,00
Rp 119.000,00
Savings : Rp 30.000,00 (20%)
Unit PV : 9,00
Unit BV : 59.000,00

Miracle in a bottle, now in your home!

NewLife™ Hydrogen Peroxide is indeed a miracle worker with its vast applications. From helping with cuts and scrapes to washing meat and vegetables, it's the one thing that you need in your home.

  • Suitable to wash fish and meat, clean vegetables

  • Suitable for soaking athlete's foot, minor cuts, wounds and abrasions

  • Suitable for showers and skincare

  • Good for humidifiers and steamers

  • Able sterilize enema-sets

For more benefits, click on the tab below!

Oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth, comprising 45.6% of its crust and 20.95% of dry air. It is also one of the most vital elements to support life. Hydrogen peroxide, because of its oxygen content and healing properties, has been hailed as one of the world's greatest miracles in a bottle. Now you can have it in your home. Safe and environment-friendly - despite its power, H202 is a natural metabolite of many organisms, which decompose the H202 they produce into oxygen and water.

  • Suitable to wash fish, meat and clean vegetables

  • Suitable for soaking, athlete's foot

  • Great for minor cuts, wounds and abrasions

  • Suitable for showers and skincare usage

  • Good for humidifiers and steamers

  • Able sterilize enema sets

  • Suitable for soaking toothbrushes

  • Suitable for dishwasher or dishwater

  • Acts as an effective mouthwash

  • Good for ear infections

  • Suitable for marinating meat, fish or poultry - just rinse and cook

  • Suitable for watering or misting plants

  • Suitable as pets' drinking water and baths

Healed From Urinary Tract Infection!

In July this year, I started having pain in my urinary tract. This lasted for 2 months. I consulted a gynaecologist who carried out urinary tract infection tests which confirmed that the pain was due to this type of infection. He prescribed antibiotics which to my dismay, did not help at all! My work was adversely affected because I had to stand or move around constantly.

I spoke to Ms. Jeanne Lim and told her about my ailment. She immediately advised me to change my detergent to NewLife™ Assure and to use Hydrogen Peroxide to clean my lingerie. At the same time, she taught me to clean the lower part of my body by sitting in a basin of warm distilled water mixed with 10 drops of Wonda Oil and 1 capful of Apple Cider Vinegar. During the 3rd cleaning, I found an unknown object hanging out of my urinary tract. At that moment, I thought my womb had dropped out! After pulling it out slowly, I found that it was a 4? long, 2? wide piece of decaying napkin! After that, the pain in my urinary tract was healed without the use of any further medication.

I am very thankful to Ms. Jeanne Lim for assisting me in solving my problem. I am now also taking NewLife™ Manuka Honey and Spirulina. I pledge to undergo Dr. Lynn Tan?s DRP during my annual leave. I have confidence that this programme and the NewLife™ products will definitely make me very healthy!

Ms. Lily Yeoh, Jan/ Feb 2005

My perm and chemically dyed hair was always dry, uncontrolled and brittle. Now with NewLife™ Organic 3 in 1 Herbal Hair Care, my hair is soft, manageable, glossy and vibrant in colour. Most importantly, I have peace of mind. I do not want to risk my life by having those dreadful toxic chemical dyes permeate my body through the scalp.

Kneeling was almost impossible with the pains in my knee joints. Since I bought the NewLife™ Countertop Distiller, I have been drinking at least 7 glasses of distilled water a day. Now I can kneel and jump with no pain.

I used to find my choice for personal hygiene in cheap soaps, lotions and powders, and I used chemical products to clean the house. I did not know that these products I bought for home were unseen and unlabelled chemical additives/ poisons. I know better now. I use all NewLife™ household products like Assure Laundry Detergent, Bio Degradable Dishwash Concentrate and Hydrogen Peroxide, and I shower with NewLife™ Castile Liquid Soap.

My high cholesterol history peaked at 6.1 (normal range is below 5.2 mmol/L), and I was under close monitoring by my physician. After doing the DRP, my cholesterol level regulated itself at a healthy 3.93, and I do not have to go for more check-ups. I will definitely continue to do DRP periodically to maintain my health and also to eat healthy.

I am now 61 years and used to have trouble falling asleep due to hormonal changes. Taking Kelp and Organic Chamomile Herbal Tea have helped me sleep better now.

I had never taken any calcium supplements in the past. In October 2006, I suddenly felt as if the bones in my left leg were fragmentizing. I went to the hospital and had heat treatment and physiotherapy, but the pain still remained. I started taking NewLife™ Calcium Complex with Boron. It contains chelated forms of calcium which not only enhance absorption, but also acts as chelating agents in removing unwanted toxic metals from my body. It is fortified with one of the latest nutritional breakthrough- Boron, which plays a key role in the retention of calcium. After taking NewLife™ Calcium Complex with Boron for only a few months, my legs were strengthened. Today I continue taking them to keep me strong for many more years to come. Exercising on the Rebounder has helped to increase the bone mass, thus preventing osteoporosis. Yet it is gentle on the body. It has a clear advantage over ordinary exercises like jogging, which has a hard impact on the body that may often result in structural injuries in the back, tendon and knees.

From my own experience, I know NewLife™ products work. That explains my boldness and enthusiasm in sharing with people the NewLife™ way to help them.

Alicia Tong, March/ April 2008

Disclaimer: The contents on this page are not to be substituted for medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented here is purely for educational purpose. This is not a prescription for self-diagnosis or self-medication. Consult your own physician regarding the application of any opinions and recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical conditions.

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