Herbal Matrix Powder combines both ancient and current methods of natural internal cleansing. Nature's Gift Herbal Matrix Klenz is safe, effective, and simple to follow as a daily routine. It will help to remove the gluey layers covering the villi of the small intestines, thus enhancing the digestion and absorption of nutrients. It eases bowel movements, relieves constipation, and provides daily internal cleansing. It removes accumulated encrustations that clog up the colon.

Herbal Matrix Powder

Fills your daily fibre-gaps, reduces toxin absorption and keeps your gut-system running smoothly.

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RM 271.70
Net weight: 357G
Retail Price : RM 271.70
RM 217.35
SAVINGS: RM 54.35 ( 20%)
Unit BV: 180.00 / Unit PV: 90.00
Net weight: 357G

Key Benefits

Cleanses your digestive tract by removing accumulated encrustations

No laxative effect

Promotes healthy, regular bowel movement

Reduces gastrointestinal toxicity, regulates blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and normalizes blood sugar

Removes the gluey layers covering the villi of the small intestines

Reduces inflammation in the GI tract

New & Improved: Herbal Matrix Powder


The connection between a healthy colon and a healthy body is undeniable - 80% of diseases can be traced to poor gut health, which makes this organ really important. Constipation can lead to all sorts of problems such as lowered immunity, weight gain, bloating, digestive problems, and even increase your risk of developing colon cancer.

The most common cause of constipation is a lack of dietary fibre. In addition, most people consume a diet high in refined starches from white rice and white flour products. These refined starches have had their fibre content removed in order to improve taste and shelf life. As a result, this lack of fibre causes these foods to move too slowly through the digestive system, or even get plastered along the insides of the colon to form “encrustations”. Long term, this can have disastrous effects on the digestive health and the health of the entire body.

Daily fibre supplementation is essential in order to maintain a healthy gut and keep the whole body in great shape - which is where the magic of Herbal Matrix Powder comes in! Our NEW & UPGRADED HERBAL MATRIX POWDER contains not just the ingredients that you know and love, but some additional ingredients that give even MORE benefits for your digestive health! Read on to find out what these new ingredients are and what they can do for you.

Your Gut Health Affects Your Overall Health


The gastrointestinal tract is your body’s largest system at 8 metres long and approximately 6000 square feet of surface area. It’s main job is to break down food, absorb nutrients and eliminate waste/ toxins from the body.

When this system slows down or gets clogged, that’s when the health problems start! Your lifestyle choices, a diet high in refined carbohydrates (white rice, noodles, bread) and low fibre intake are usually the main cause...

This Is What We Found Out - It’s Serious.


80% of diseases can be traced back to poor colon health - which means a healthy colon can equal a healthy body.

In fact, an issue that may seem trivial such as constipation has been shown to be one of the top causes of colon cancer in both men and women!

And that colon cancer is second only to lung cancer among cancers that kill both men & women. (Balch P.A. and Balch J.F., Prescription for Nutritional Healing)


Psyllium Husk

One of the world’s most used herbs, universally recognised as a premier dietary fibre. It is bulk forming to clean the colon.

Apple Pectin

Researchers have found that apple pectin has the ability to clean out heavy-metal toxicity from the intestinal tract.

Butcher’s Broom

Used for treating constipation, kidney stones, urinary tract infections and various gastrointestinal problems.

Slippery Elm

A natural demulcent that helps to sooth and reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestinal linings. Has mucoprotective properties and can be used to treat ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, constipation, diarrhoea, and IBS.

Fennel Seed

Helps to improve digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes. It also has anti-inflammatory effects and is very helpful for constipation, indigestion, bloating, and IBS. It is also high in fibre and acts as a natural antacid.


A soluble fibre that dissolves in the stomach to form a gelatinous substance that slows digestion (improving the absorption of nutrients and reducing the spiking of blood sugar), increases fullness, reduces cholesterol absorption through the digestive tract. It also acts as a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.


Directions Of Use

Mix 1 teaspoon in 200ml of room temperature water or with a glass of "Honegar" (1 tsp NewLife™ Apple Cider Vincegar and 1 tsp NewLife™ Pure Raw Honey in 200ml of water).

Drink twice daily


Herbal Matrix Powder




See What People Are Saying
Herbal Matrix Powder improved my bowel movements, my skin, and my concentration. I feel fit now because I sleep well at night.
Mr. Tjeng Fen Lie

I discovered I had irritable bowel disease (IBD) many years ago. My stomach would feel very uncomfortable after taking hot or spicy foods. I did not go out to look for a cure but instead just bore with the inconveniences and the irritable discomfort.

But one meeting with Dr. Lynn, I understood my digestive system better and stopped feeling helpless in restoring my health. Her advice to me on what I should take for my meals and what I must forgo has given me a real boost, so I decided to change my diet. I was also advised to take GI Health Plus Pack, which consists of Pure Raw Honey, ACV, Herbal Matrix Powder, C Complex and Immuflora to take care of my guts. These products have liberated me from my condition as my stomach is able to cope with hot or spicy stuff. I do not feel uncomfortable anymore.

I strongly believe that this is the first step towards prevention from getting other degenerative illnesses as I grow older. There us so much we can do in achieving optimal health through diet, exercise, and rest, despite this very toxic lifestyle and environment we live in. We just need some right advice and encouragement to do the right thing before it is too late!

Cheers to good health and long life!

Terrence Chee


* The contents on this page are not to be substituted for medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented here is purely for educational purposes. This is not a prescription for self-diagnosis or self-medication. Consult your own physician regarding the application of any opinions and recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical conditions.