NewLife™ Apple Cider Vinegar
Key Benefits
3 A’s: antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties
Aids digestion
Builds immunity
Reduces inflammation
Improves skin health
Apple Cider Vinegar: Humble But Mighty!

There are countless traditional uses of apple cider vinegar. To name just a few: it has been used to ease digestion, aid in flu prevention, reduce inflammation, regulate pH balance, alleviate allergy symptoms, ease nausea and heartburn, as a staple in detox regimens, and to treat a number of skin conditions, including reducing acne and smoothing wrinkles.
The magic of raw, organic apple cider vinegar starts from sweet varieties of organic apples. These apples undergo a double fermentation process, which produces enzymes and creates many of the vinegar’s health-promoting characteristics...
As sugar in the apples is broken down, the first ferment yields what we know as “hard” cider, or alcoholic cider. The second fermentation brings forth apple cider vinegar (ACV)!
More Powerhouse Properties Than You Can Count

Some of the beneficial properties contained within the mother of vinegar include:
- Potassium: Essential for healthy metabolism, as well as water and chemical balance in the body.
- Iron: Important for blood health.
- Magnesium: Vital to heart health.
- Enzymes: Boost chemical reactions in the body.
- Malic acid: Protects vinegar from viruses, bacteria and fungus.
- Acetic acid: Slows the digestion of starch and inhibits bacterial growth.
- Calcium: Builds strong bones and teeth.
- Pectin: Helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Ash: Maintains a healthy alkaline state in the body.
- Other Minerals, Trace Elements and Vitamins: Copper, Phosphorus, Pro-vitamin beta-carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin P (flavonoids).
- The 3 A’s: ACV contains potent antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, which help to make it so effective for so many conditions.
And many more that we just can’t fit on this page…
Choose NewLife™ Apple Cider Vinegar for Exceptional Health

NewLife™ Apple Cider Vinegar is 100% natural, certified organic and contains no artificial colouring, flavouring or preservatives.
The perfect addition to turn simple recipes into healthy superfoods, NewLife™ Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is organically produced from delicious organic apples.
It is undistilled, unpasteurized raw apple cider vinegar. It appears cloudy because it contains the amazing naturally occurring “mother” of vinegar formed from pectin and apple residues.
Adding ACV to your lifestyle is just one way that you can utilize a simple, natural provision that costs so little for so many benefits.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
100% organic, undistilled, unpasteurized raw apple cider vinegar.
Directions Of Use
Make NewLife™ Apple Cider Vinegar a part of your daily routine. It can be consumed or used topically. Here are some tips on how to use it:
For general wellness
Mix 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) with 1 tablespoon of raw honey in a glass of distilled water and consume two or more times daily. You can also use ACV to add some zest to your salad and dishes.
For headaches, sinus, asthma and flu congestion
Boil a cup of distilled water and 2 tablespoons of ACV. Take off the heat and inhale the vapor (put a towel over your head to increase effectiveness).
Get that glow!
Chill equal parts ACV and distilled water and use as a toner for your skin. Have a DIY facial at home and open up your pores using vapor using your ACV water.
Halt the scalp problems
Soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply generously onto the scalp. Leave in for at least 15 minutes before shampooing. Relieves itchy and dry scalp and unwanted dandruff.
Combats sore throat
Add a tablespoon of ACV in half a glass of water and gargle hourly. To maintain wellness, gargle once or twice a week to remove toxins trapped in your throat.
Walk Freely Again!
In 2002, I was moving in and out of the hospital because I suffered from complications due to heart problems, high blood pressure, and skin problems. I was also suffering from severe constipation, due to the medication prescribed for my heart conditions. Day by day, my health weakened until I could barely walk. I was bedridden for months. My world seemed colourless, and I lived vicious torment I experienced. I had lost all hope of recovery.
At this point in time, Eunice, my daughter bought me a NewLife™ enema set. She administered the water enema on me, and this helped to ease my constipation tremendously. Eunice encouraged me to nourish my body and prayed hard for my healing. I made up my mind to persistently consume fresh juices produced by NewLife™ Alpha Juicer, as well as NewLife™ 5 Essentials, K salt, Spirulina, Herbal Klenz Powder, Immuflora, and Flaxseed Oil, together with Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey. Soon, I noticed that my health was improving and eventually after 3 months, I could stand on my feet again. It was an incredible miracle, and even Eunice was surprised to see me walking out of the house to get my hair washed in a nearby salon.
As my body grew stronger, Eunice introduced the coffee enema to me. I was astonished to see my health improve even more, and I could sense that the toxin levels in my body were decreasing.
It is a real joy to observe my health being restored, and I feel stronger and livelier. NewLife™?s products are fantastic and suitable for all types of ailments. My biggest thanks to Dr. Lynn Tan, who has brought in these health products for the benefit of those who require the gift of natural healing.
Free From Urinary Tract Infection & Kidney Stones
I had blood in my urine. A doctor scanned me and confirmed that I had stones in my kidney. For quite a while I was bearing the discomfort of a urinary tract infection with a smelly white discharge. I am pleased to testify that all these symptoms have disappeared completely. Many thanks to Dr. Lynn Tan?s Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme (DRP).
The symptoms of the urinary tract infection completely disappeared after I went through one week of Dr. Lynn Tan?s DRP. After that, I continued with the 5 Essentials, which consist of: Herbal Klenz Powder, Flaxseed Oil, K-Salt, Super Green Food, and Immuflora, along with a weekly Coffee Enema. I also followed a healthy diet, together with homemade yogurt, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pure Raw Honey, and distilled water. The kidney stones passed out naturally after several months of following this regime. I feel healthier each day. It is really amazing to realize what our body can do when we nourish and build it properly!
In following the NewLife™ path, I was rewarded with an additional bonus ? my weight has also stabilized at 50kg compared to 56kg previously.
My parting advice to women concerning hygiene: take a weekly douche using 20 drops of Wonda Oil in 1 litre of distilled water.
A big ?Thank You? to NewLife™.
Healed From Urinary Tract Infection!
In July this year, I started having pain in my urinary tract. This lasted for 2 months. I consulted a gynaecologist who carried out urinary tract infection tests which confirmed that the pain was due to this type of infection. He prescribed antibiotics which to my dismay, did not help at all! My work was adversely affected because I had to stand or move around constantly.
I spoke to Ms. Jeanne Lim and told her about my ailment. She immediately advised me to change my detergent to NewLife™ Assure and to use Hydrogen Peroxide to clean my lingerie. At the same time, she taught me to clean the lower part of my body by sitting in a basin of warm distilled water mixed with 10 drops of Wonda Oil and 1 capful of Apple Cider Vinegar. During the 3rd cleaning, I found an unknown object hanging out of my urinary tract. At that moment, I thought my womb had dropped out! After pulling it out slowly, I found that it was a 4? long, 2? wide piece of decaying napkin! After that, the pain in my urinary tract was healed without the use of any further medication.
I am very thankful to Ms. Jeanne Lim for assisting me in solving my problem. I am now also taking NewLife™ Manuka Honey and Spirulina. I pledge to undergo Dr. Lynn Tan?s DRP during my annual leave. I have confidence that this programme and the NewLife™ products will definitely make me very healthy!
* The contents on this page are not to be substituted for medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented here is purely for educational purposes. This is not a prescription for self-diagnosis or self-medication. Consult your own physician regarding the application of any opinions and recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical conditions.